Sharpei Picture


What is the relationship between the CSP Charitable Trust and the CSPCA (Parent Club)?

Exactly the same as the relationship between the American Kennel Club and the AKC/Canine Health Foundation. In 1995 the AKC created the AKC/CHF as a separate entity (501c3) with it's own Board of Directors to address the health issues of all 165 breeds registered by the AKC. The AKC/CHF funds researchers for specific proposals for breed specific health issues.

In 1995 the Chinese Shar-Pei Club of American Board of Directors created the Chinese Shar-Pei Charitable Trust as a separate entity (501c3) with it's own Board of Trustees to address the genertic health issues of the Chinese Shar-Pei and to raise funds for research and to find cures for these diseases.


Does the CSP Trust fund each proposal in full?

After a proposal is sent out and researchers submit an abstract, the Grants Committee of the AKC/CHF send it out for peer review to make certain there is a good chance for success. If approved, the AKC/CHF matches the funding. For example, if a proposal is for a two-year study for $50,000 the CSP Charitable Trust would pay half and the AKC/CHF would give matching funds.


How do I make a donation to the CSP Charitable Trust?

You can send donations to Key Rosenberger. The full address is on the Donations page.


Is my donation tax deductible?

Yes. Any contribution you make to the CSP Charitable Trust is tax deductible. Because the Charitable Trust is a 501c3 corporation, your contribution is deductible.


What kind of diseases has the CSP Charitable Trust provided funding for?

The CSP Charitable Trust has already provided funding for:

  • Shar-Pei Fever
  • Amyloidosis
  • Cancer
  • Elbow Dysplasia


How do I find out where the money goes and what is presently going on with the Trust?

All the information is presented in the Annual/Financial Reports which are available on this web site.